Public Health Disaster Research Award Webinar

The Natural Hazards Center will host a Public Health Disaster Research Award Webinar on public health preparedness and response. This webinar will showcase the 10 research teams that received awards […]

E0289 Course: State Volunteer and Donations Mangement

This course supports state, tribal, and territorial governments and their emergency management partners in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from disaster events at the state, tribal, or territorial level. […]

Beat the Wave 2024 Disaster Preparedness Expo

Don’t be scared of natural disasters – get prepared at the West Lane Emergency Operations Group’s “Beat the Wave” 2024 Disaster Preparedness Expo on Saturday, Aug. 10. Speak directly with […]

Bolstering and Strengthening VOADs, COADs, and LTRGs

Discussions around needs for development COADs/LTRGs throughout the State. For details and a link to the meeting, please contact: Quinn Butler, CEM (he/him) | State Voluntary Agency Liaison (VAL) Recovery Program […]

Emergency Preparedness Training & Resource Event

Register today to join a FREE emergency preparedness training and resource event on August 26th (9:00-11:00 a.m.) for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, their families, and support providers. The training […]

Self-care for Disaster Responders

This webinar will focus on the critical intersection of heat vulnerability and climate change in FEMA Region 2, focusing on lessons learned from New York City. We will explore the […]

Managing Multi-Hazard Risk

August 28, 11:00 AM: RNPN‘s Resilience Exchange on “Managing Multi-Hazard Risk.” Explore how hazards are connected and the strategies we need to build climate resilience. The event is part of a […]

Washington County Emergency Response Workshop

A free interactive workshop about emergency response and serving the community during a disaster Washington County is a hosting a free interactive workshop on August 29th from 9am-12pm focused on […]