The Symposium will gather designers, academics, researchers, public servants, and others, from across the resiliency spectrum, to share ideas from our individual realms, in a time of changing and disrupted ecologies, communities and climate. About Schedule Registration Logistics Past Symposia
CALL-IN INFO: Zoom Link: Password: 336330 Meeting ID: 211 433 7114 One tap mobile: +1.312.626.6799 US (Chicago) +1.646.876.9923 US (New York) Meeting ID: 211.433.7114# Dial by your location: +1.312.626.6799 US (Chicago) +1.646.876.9923 US (New York) +1.346.248.7799 US (Houston) +1.669.900.6833 US (San Jose) + US +1.301.715.8592 US Meeting ID: 211.433.7114 Find your local number: __________________________________________________ American Sign Language […]