CANCELLED DUE TO HURRICANES Our annual Fall Members Meeting will be hosted by Catholic Charities USA in Alexandria, Virginia! Our meeting venue address is Catholic Charities – O’Grady Conference Center, 2050 Ballenger Avenue, Alexandria 22314. The closest airport is Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA). Attendees are encouraged to book their accommodations at their preferred hotel. We will not have […]
A great FREE opportunity to get your Wilderness First Aid and CPR/AED certification here on the south coast for those working in the commercial fishing industry.
Hurricane Helene has only been eclipsed by Katrina in its path of destruction. The death count is above 230 and continues to grow. Cost estimates for damage are incalculable so far. Northwest Baptist began deploying Disaster Relief volunteers the last week of September. Deployments will continue for weeks and be for approximately 10 days each. […]
CALL-IN INFO: Zoom Link: Password: 336330 Meeting ID: 211 433 7114 One tap mobile: +1.312.626.6799 US (Chicago) +1.646.876.9923 US (New York) Meeting ID: 211.433.7114# Dial by your location: +1.312.626.6799 US (Chicago) +1.646.876.9923 US (New York) +1.346.248.7799 US (Houston) +1.669.900.6833 US (San Jose) + US +1.301.715.8592 US Meeting ID: 211.433.7114 Find your local number: __________________________________________________ American Sign Language […]
When preparing and responding to emergencies, it is crucial to embed health equity from the start to ensure that all people have equal access to life-saving information, services, and programs. Emergencies, such as a natural disaster or a pandemic, can have devastating impacts on whole communities. People in racial and ethnic minority communities, people with […]
Fall 2024 Lunch and Learn Webinar Series by the Northwest Fire Science Consortium Following another significant wildfire season in the Northwest, many communities and managers are yet again focused on postfire recovery and management. The questions at hand are diverse: How do we cope with watershed impacts and restore burned landscapes? How do we ensure that […]