ORVID Training

Save the date!

Oregon Emergency Management will be hosting a training on the Oregon Volunteers in Disaster (ORVID) system on October 14 from 3pm to 4pm.

To initiate the process and gain access to the platform in advance of the training, please follow the simple steps below:

Step 1: Complete the Request Account Setup Form
Fill out the Account Request Form

Provide us with the necessary details about your organization.

Step 2: Await Confirmation
Once we receive your form, our team will review your request promptly. We aim to process all applications swiftly to get your account up and running as soon as possible.

Step 3: Account Activation
Once your account setup is approved, the main Program Manager listed in your request form will receive an email with further instructions on how to get started.

Feel free to reach out to us at hecc.orvid@hecc.oregon.gov if you need any assistance during the process.

ORVID Resources

ORVID Request Forms

Other Resources

  • Volunteer Injury Coverage Toolkit – For state agencies, boards and commissions to help select the coverage they wish to provide injured volunteers who are working under their direction and control.
  • Volunteer Insurance Coverage – The types of volunteer insurance to consider when running a volunteer program.

in collaboration with PCUN’s 2024 Wildfire Rapid Response Campaign

Solidarity is the recognition of our inherent interconnectedness, an attempt to build bonds of commonality across our differences. It is an ethos and spur to action rooted in the acknowledgement that our lives are intertwined … It is not unity or sameness, but a way of connecting with others: forging new communities, developing shared visions, and building power to push for social change.”

— From “Solidarity” by Leah Hunt-Hendrix & Astra Taylor


The Oregon Synod’s Disaster & Climate Resilience team is organizing a Solidarity Summer in collaboration with PCUN (Oregon’s farmworker union), as part of PCUN’s 2024 Wildfire Preparedness & Rapid Response Campaign

People of faith and courageous love (and the groups and congregations we’re connected to) will build community resilience alongside our farmworker neighbors, in the face of climate disruptions, extreme weather events, and increasing wildfires. 

Throughout the summer, we’ll learn from one another about how climate change is impacting our diverse communities – and how we can be more resilient together. We’ll march and advocate for workers’ rights and safety. And we’ll deepen our connections with one another and Mother Earth. We’ll collect and pack items for emergency go-bags to be distributed to 500 farmworker and Latine families at a series of multilingual and culturally-responsive wildfire preparedness workshops offered by PCUN organizers throughout July and August. We’ll explore what it means to build relationships of solidarity across difference. And we’ll lay the groundwork for future collaboration, advocacy, and organizing together to advance climate justice and resilience!

Watch this video to learn more about PCUN’s Wildfire Preparedness and Rapid Response Campaign! (4 minutes, in Spanish with English subtitles


On Thursday, July 18th from 1:00 – 4:00, we’ll gather at PCUN’s headquarters in Woodburn, Oregon for a special convivio outdoors, surrounded by the beauty of PCUN’s communal garden. 

At this event, we’ll have the opportunity to meet PCUN’s team of six seasonal organizers, as well as the two lead organizers of the campaign. Together, we will not only create the emergency backpacks to be distributed in the campaign, but also take a moment to acknowledge the land we stand on and express gratitude to our ancestors and Mother Earth. We will share blessings to guide all of us in our endeavor to build more resilient communities, and especially the organizers’ efforts to bring education and awareness to the farmworker and Latinx community. 

We’re also organizing additional opportunities to bring our communities together throughout the summer:

  • May 1st – May Day / International Workers’ Day March and Rally in Salem
  • June 23rd – PCUN’s annual Cumbre de Trabajadores in Woodburn 
  • July 18th (1-4:00pm) – Convivio & Emergency backpack prep (flyers in English & Spanish)
  • July 22nd (6-7:30pm) and July 24th (12-1:30pm) – virtual workshops on building relationships of solidarity across difference, and belonging without othering (choose 1) flyer here
  • July/August – Wildfire Preparedness Workshops
  • Mid-September (Date TBD) – Campaign Celebration 


Our goal is to collect 500 of each of the items listed in this spreadsheet by August 1st. Items should be similar to (but don’t have to be the exact make/model) as those in the spreadsheet. You can help us meet our goal in the following ways:

  1. Purchase items from the list and drop them off at one of the sites listed below. 
  2. Purchase items online, and have them shipped directly to: Elizabeth Chavez, 1445 Marcel Ct., Woodburn, OR 97071. Please email sarahl@oregonsynod.org with details so she and Elizabeth can make sure to expect your delivery and update the spreadsheet. 
  3. Make a cash donation, which we will use to purchase supplies on your behalf. Donate online here and make sure to note in the text field: “PCUN Solidarity”, or write a check to: “Oregon Synod” and mail to: 2800 N Vancouver Ave. Suite 101, Portland, OR 97227, with “PCUN Solidarity” in the memo line. 


Currently we are accepting supplies at the following locations. If your community is interested in serving as a supply drop-off site, please email sarahl@oregonsynod.org

  1. Oregon Synod Office: 2800 N Vancouver Ave # 101, Portland, OR 97227

Generally open from Tuesdays – Fridays from 9:00 – 4:00pm, but please call ahead (Sarah, 503-367-0157) to arrange a drop-off time so we can make sure someone on staff will be there to welcome you.

  1. Christ Lutheran Church: 15029 2nd St NE, Aurora, OR 97002
    Please call ahead to arrange a drop-off: 503-678-5135.


Individuals, teams, and congregations are welcome to join and participate as you’re able for any or all components of Solidarity Summer! SIGN UP HERE to stay in the loop and let us know how you would like to be involved! 

Have questions? Contact Sarah Loose (Director of Disaster & Climate Resilience for the Oregon Synod, 503-367-0157, sarahl@oregonsynod.org) or Janelly Carranza (Organizer with Together Lab, janelly@togetherlab.org) for more information.


Share this info page and invite your friends, family and community members to join us throughout the summer and collect supplies, too!

The Oregon Volunteers in Disaster platform was created by the OregonServes State Service Commission to be used for the management of spontaneous volunteers related to disaster response and recovery opportunities and events. The platform is provided free of charge to increase accessibility for communities and volunteers alike. 

Why Create an Account?

  • Streamlined volunteer recruitment
  • Efficient volunteer scheduling and communication 
  • Robust reporting and analytics 

To initiate the process:

Step 1: Complete the Request Account Setup Form
Fill out the Account Request Form

Step 2: Await Confirmation
Once we receive your form, our team will review your request promptly. We aim to process all applications swiftly to get your account up and running as soon as possible.

Step 3: Account Activation
Once your account setup is approved, the main Program Manager listed in your request form will receive an email with further instructions on how to get started.

Reach out to hecc.orvid@hecc.oregon.gov if you need any assistance during the process.

ORVID Resources

ORVID Request Forms

Other Resources

  • Volunteer Injury Coverage Toolkit – For state agencies, boards and commissions to help select the coverage they wish to provide injured volunteers who are working under their direction and control.
  • Volunteer Insurance Coverage – The types of volunteer insurance to consider when running a volunteer program. 

For more information about OregonServes please visit https://www.oregon.gov/oregonserves/emergency-response/Pages/default.aspx